The Boomerang Clue

The Boomerang Clue (Why Didn't They Ask Evans?) ~Agatha Christie
Dell #0704 (February 1975)
(Original  publication date 1934)
The Boomerang Clue (Why Didn't They Ask Evans?) ~Agatha Christie
Dell #D340 (February 1960)
(Original  publication date 1934)
The Boomerang Clue (Why Didn't They Ask Evans?) ~Agatha Christie
Dell #0704 (May 1971)
(Original  publication date 1934)
Why Didn't They Ask Evans? ~Agatha Christie
Fontana (September 1976)
(Original  publication date 1934)
Reviewed on my blog: My Reader's Block

Why Didn't They Ask Evans? ~Agatha Christie
Pan Books #X736 (1968)
(Original  publication date 1934)




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